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eBook FAQ

What is an eBook?

  • eBooks are digital, downloadable versions of books. In most cases they look exactly like the print version, so you will see all the same graphs, charts, and drawings.
  • You can download and read eBooks on your desktop, laptop, and/or a variety of mobile devices with an e-reader application.

What e-reading software should I use?

  • Your eBook must be read through the free Leaf e-Reader application. Click through the link to find out how to download the Leaf e-Reader to iPhone/iPad, Android, Windows, Macintosh, or through a browser window.

Do eBooks “expire” or “time out”?

  • Your eBook will not expire. Once you have downloaded it to your device, it is stored in your Leaf e-Reader Library and will remain there until you choose to delete it.

Do I have to pay shipping, handling, or taxes on Longleaf Services eBooks?

  • When you purchase an eBook through a Longleaf Services client publisher there are no shipping and handling charges. Sales tax will be based on your credit card billing address.

Can I return an eBook purchase?

  • Unfortunately, eBooks are not returnable.
  • If you have specific questions, contact our our IT Manager, Tom Franklin, at

How do I download my eBook from Longleaf Services?

  • Once your purchase is complete you will receive an Order Invoice email with a links to the Leaf e-Reader.
  • When you’re asked to log into the Leaf e-Reader app, just enter the same email address as you used to place your order.
  • A confirmation code will be sent to that email address. Copy and paste it into the Leaf e-Reader confirmation field to authorize the app.
  • Your eBook will appear in your Leaf e-Reader Library, ready to read.

How many times may I download my eBook?

  • The Leaf e-Reader can be downloaded and authorized on up to six different devices, provided you use the same email address.

How do I download my eBook again or download it to another device?

  • Go back to the Leaf e-Reader download page on your other device and follow the instructions for downloading the app on your new device.

Can I share my eBook?

  • No. eBooks are only licensed for use by one individual and cannot be shared.

Can I print my eBook?

  • Unfortunately, no. eBooks cannot be printed.

Can I read my eBook on a NOOK or an Amazon Kindle eReader?

  • Unfortunately, no. You must be able to download and install the Leaf e-Reader application to your device and neither the NOOK nor the Kindle eReader allow for third-party applications like the Leaf e-Reader.

Will I be able to view my eBooks offline?

  • Yes. Once you have installed the Leaf e-Reader app on you PC, Mac, or mobile device, you can read it offline.